Wednesday 14 August 2013

Barry M Gelly Nail Paint Review

Barry M Gelly Nail Paints


Hello fans of Barry M , I am talking today about the much raved about Gelly nail paints. I think these nail varnishes are perfect ,and stay on your nails for a long period of time . They also come in beautiful shades , with cute names such as : Blueberry , Pomegrante , Mango , Plum , Satsuma. These nail paints are available from most drugstores and supermarkets ,and are a reasonable price of £3.99!
 This is the shade called : Blueberry , which I have been wearing on my nails for about a week now , and absolutely adore. It's the cutest summer shade and I just love how I can wear it on my nails , without it chipping for a few day.
Well Done Barry M!

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